By swathipradeep | View this Toon at ToonDoo | Create your own Toon
1>To start with, a twitter user (@gabbarsingh) was blocked by our "Renowned" author, "Chetan Bhagat" few days ago..

1>To start with, a twitter user (@gabbarsingh) was blocked by our "Renowned" author, "Chetan Bhagat" few days ago..

By swathipradeep | View this Toon at ToonDoo | Create your own Toon
2>Another Twitter User, (@i_r_squared) was blocked by our CNN Correspondent, Ms Sagarika Ghose yesterday!!

3>And the "JOKE OF THE DAY" was... when our CNN Correspondent, Mr Rajdeep Sardesai tweeted ....

2>Another Twitter User, (@i_r_squared) was blocked by our CNN Correspondent, Ms Sagarika Ghose yesterday!!

3>And the "JOKE OF THE DAY" was... when our CNN Correspondent, Mr Rajdeep Sardesai tweeted ....

By swathipradeep | View this Toon at ToonDoo | Create your own Toon
More Bloopers will be updated shortly! Keep watching this space!!
More Bloopers will be updated shortly! Keep watching this space!!
WOW! Love your Comical Life..
a real good one...especially second to last one lol
I personally feel like commenting on them is our right block us is there. No one would like to talk or hear from a person who think you are trash and your work is crap would you?
Thnx a ton :)
:) :)
do u feel Chetan Bhagat was right in calling "South Indians" as "Dark Skinned people, gold diggers"?
Was he right in making fun of south indians in his book "2 states"?? :)
let me rephrase my last comment first :-D "like commenting on them is our right, so is block us their right we can question them or show them in a poor light for doing so" I seriously messed it up bcoz i was in hurry to got out :) hope you didnt mind
Like calling his book trash is someones opinion that his opinion. How many people make fun of cricketer. We have just gotta take it in a lighter sense and move on rather than attacking him.
Look i am not defending him, even i didnt like it but you cant take those remarks seriously.
nice comic strips!
Thanks Sonal :)
impeccable swathi!!!
u are too good.
@bdutt also blocked u..u should have a strip on that also...
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